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Using a Website to Increase Your Traffic

So if you're starting out in the world of affiliate marketing or making money online, or if you've been at it for a while now but need some help; let me remind you of something you're going to here over and over again
its all about the traffic.

Of course if you're getting traffic you COULD send it to your refferal link, but i'm gonna be honest with you, usually when people are just thrown into a product offer right off the bat, it becomes too intimidating and they'll opt out really easily.
However if you send them to an actual landing page (ie your website) with something to read about the product first, the conversions (people who view the page vs people who buy the product) seriously grow exponentially.
Think about it that just makes sense, even if they spend only an extra 5 minutes reading about the offer FIRST, vs just being thrown into the offer, they'd be seriously more inclined to consider it without just hitting the back button as fast as possible (like im sure you've done before in your life).

Basically what i'm saying is can really help exponentially to have a website or blog to drive your traffic to rather then a random affiliate link. Besides with a site or blog you can build regular traffic and its so much easier.
If you've never done this before and it sounds intimidating or expensive, let me tell you it definitely isn't.
you can have your page up for as little as $5 a month.. what do you spend $5 a month on.. yeah i'm gonna let you answer that one yourself in your head. And its not as hard as you think, how many people make web pages all the time

There are so many tools to help you like wordpress or anything else you can think of in fact if you're too intimidated by html and have never made a site before, register through the banner and you'll be able to get an easy one click install of wordpress, which is absolutely the most user friendly site/blog creating system out. Trust me you won't need to know ANY html.

 click here if you want a super easy to create site or blog that will look absolutely professional, and have it up TODAY.

So anyways i would highly suggest you go and register a domain with Hostgator right now, they're probably the cheapest and in my opinion most helpful service you will get especially to people starting out.

Check it out and register a domain today, there are so many benefits if you're serious about making money online.